what is a nose job

Nose Job Or Rhinoplasty – Read Along To Know Everything About It!

First, know the word ‘Rhinoplasty’.In medical terms, the popularly known phrase, nose job, is referred to as rhinoplasty. It is a type of plastic surgery that can be done using two different methods with two different purposes: reconstructive surgery (for reforming the functions) and cosmetic surgery (for changing the outlook).

Why Nose Job Is Done

Now that you know what a nose job is to let us tell you all the different types of it. One can do a nose job for many reasons, including changing the nose’s shape after accidental damage to reshape the nose correctly, removing any lump,  narrowing or making the size of the nostrils big, and sometimes just changing the angle too.

Things To Do Before A Nose Job

  • The first and foremost thing before opting for a nose job should be knowing properly what is a nose job. For this, although you can get all the basic information by googling it, it is always best to consult a doctor who will be able to tell correctly whether you need a nose job or not. 

  • Look out for an experienced doctor who has been practising in this field for a long time. An experienced professional is best if you are to do surgery eventually. Share with your doctor the complete past of your medical complications (if you have any).

  • Now, if the doctor thinks you are the right candidate and that you need the nose job, your doctor will go for some physical tests and decide, checking your nose in detail about the changes.

  • Once confirmed about the changes and procedures of the surgery, ask your doctor to provide a detailed description of the cost of the whole process as these surgeries can sometimes be very expensive depending upon your changes and choices, hence to have a clear idea about the costing is always advisable. And also, check if the cost will be covered by your insurance or not (as not all the surgery types are always covered by insurance).

Precautions To Keep In Mind

  • Know what types of anaesthesia you will be given.
  • Usually, the procedure takes a minimum of two hours, but exceptional cases may take longer.
  • After a nose job, you can have problems in breathing, scars, or sometimes even nosebleeds (although these chances are rare)
  • If you want to go for a second surgery, you should wait at least for one complete year so that your nose can heal wholly.


If you are thinking of doing one, I hope this article can be of your help in providing details about what is nose job!