Reconstructive Breast Surgery

An Overview of Reconstructive Breast Surgery – Treatment, Side Effects, and Cost


The decision to undergo surgery to reconstruct the breasts is up to the patient. A woman has options to wear a breast shape, padding inside her bra, or do nothing at all instead of getting surgery. Each of these choices has benefits and drawbacks. So before stepping forward, skimming through an overview of breast reconstruction is necessary.

What is Reconstructive Breast Surgery?

It is a treatment that helps women to reform or reconstruct their breasts. This procedure uses autologous tissues or prosthetic materials to do so. Typically, it is done after mastectomy, a surgical procedure where the entire breast tissue is removed after breast cancer. Also, it is performed in the case of lumpectomy, removal of breast tumour, or in case of congenital deformities, generally referred to as birth defects.

Treatment of Reconstructive Breast Surgery

A plastic surgeon has various options for reconstructing the breast. Saline or silicone gel-filled breast implants are a popular option for some women.

Also, making a breast shape out of tissue from another part of your body is a method involved with autologous tissue or flaps. The surgeon may take skin, muscle and fat tissue from your buttocks, back, thigh or lower abdomen.

Implant-based breast reconstruction is simpler to do and recover from. The same with autologous tissue is more time-consuming, difficult to execute and has a long recovery time. But as time goes on, flaps last longer than implants.

There are immediate and delayed breast reconstructions. In India, the ratio is almost 1:1 based on how many women choose one over another.

Your age, body type, and the type of cancer surgery you underwent will all influence the sort of reconstruction ideal for you.

Side Effects of Breast Reconstruction

The following side effects generally occur after a patient undergoes breast-conserving surgery:

  • swelling and inflammation
  • Pain, numbness and tightness
  • Blood clots
  • Fluid accumulation in the flaps
  • Scars
  • Infections
  • Implants may be ruptured

Several other risks may also appear depending upon the circumstances.

Cost of Breast Reconstruction Treatment

In India, it will cost you between Rs.100,000 and Rs.300,000. It is a little lower in government hospitals.


Talking to your surgeon about reconstructive breast surgery helps you to understand it better and to prepare yourself mentally. Although, the sensation of breasts and nipples gets lost after the treatment. The surgical rate is also insignificant in India, which is near about 1% of women who underwent a mastectomy. However, breast repair boosts confidence in women while restoring their sexuality, psychological status, and look.