Non-surgical liposuction: How does it work?

Non-surgical liposuction: How does it work?

How is non-surgical liposuction different from traditional liposuction?

●      Traditional liposuction

It refers to a surgical procedure that involves small incisions to remove excess fat from specific parts of the body. Surgeons use the suction technique to suck out the fat by inserting a tube. It is a permanent fat reduction procedure and covers large areas such as the abdomen, hips and thighs. The surgery takes time to recover, and complications like swelling, pain and skin infections may arise.

●      Non-surgical liposuction

It involves several procedures where surgeons use lasers, ultrasound, radiofrequency and cold to perform the fat reduction. It is painless and works on small areas with stubborn fat deposits. The recovery time is much less than the traditional liposuction. No complications occur, but it takes more than one-time treatment for effective results.

Who is an ideal candidate for non-surgical liposuction?

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for non-surgical liposuction. An eligible person who may undergo this kind of treatment holds the following conditions:

  • A BMI not more than 30
  • Borderline overweight and not obese
  • Having stubborn fat in smaller body parts like the chin and upper arms
  • When diet and exercise fail to show impacts

Risks and side effects

The procedure is almost painless and not at all stressful. The risks and side effects are minimal and possible to overcome with ease. The health complications of post-treatment may include slight pain, a little bit of swelling, skin sensitivity, bruises and skin irritations. These are all temporary issues that fade away under the proper guidance of doctors.

How impactful is the treatment?

  • Non-surgical liposuction is ideal for people struggling with an excess fat deposit in some specific body parts. This procedure removes the fat, helping them get rid of fatty upper arms, a double chin, or fatty thighs.
  • The technique is super fast that takes only 30-60 minutes based on the method.
  • The risk factors and complications are negligible.
  • One can return to perform the daily activities without taking any post-treatment preparation.
  • It is cost-effective and affordable to most people interested in this fat reduction process.

Does it really work?

Yes, it does unless you have severe obesity. When you are the right candidate fit for this fat removal treatment, it brings notable results. Although it is limited and does not work as effectively as traditional liposuction, but gives results that you expect.